Jeremy Ennis
Chief of Staff
Jeremy Ennis has served as Chief of Staff for State Representative West since he took office on January 9,
2019. Jeremy was born in Rockford and has spent his life in the Rockford Region. He is a proud graduate of Harlem High School in the class of 2010. He went on to complete his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and his Master’s of Business Administration at Rockford University. During his time at Rockford University, Jeremy developed a passion for career development that he is glad to carry on through the free resume writing services offered by Representative West’s office. Jeremy’s primary duty is to oversee the function of the office that is dedicated to prioritizing excellent
constituent services. He also functions in a legislative and advisory capacity to Representative West to ensure that opportunities can be brought to the region for everyone that calls the 67th District home. He is particularly proud of the intelligent and dedicated team that he gets to work with every day. On a personal note, Jeremy is an accomplished bowler and is a lover of strategy board games and Dungeons and Dragons.​
​ | (815)-987-7433
Simone Cameron
Director of Constituent Services
Simone’s dedication to utilizing her skills, work ethic, and compassion are the catalysts to her consistent
efforts to provide continuous assistance to the community in all capacities. Simone was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, relocating to Rockford after receiving her Associate's Degree in Business Management at Rockford Career College. While working as a Manager of Blueprints and Documentation for Born & Koch Company, she absorbed the importance of paying attention to detail
and the rewards of being a part of a team. She joined State Representative Maurice West’s team in April 2019, shortly after he took office. Working as Director of Constituent Services since 2023 for Representative West has given Simone the privilege and the opportunity to highlight her devotion for the people of her community. Her role allows her to reduce the hurdles that the people of the 67th district may face, providing them with the resources to succeed, which has remained a driving passion for her. In her spare time, she enjoys roller skating, reading poetry by Nikki Giovanni, and writing her own poetry.

Anisia Ramos
District Coordinator
Anisia Ramos was born and raised in Rockford and is a proud South Side native. She is a 2016 Jefferson Highschool graduate and continues to show J-Hawk pride! Anisia has been dedicated to serving the community working for State Representative Maurice West since 2021. Anisia started as Representative West’s District Assistant and progressed to becoming District Coordinator as of 2023. Growing up, Anisia realized investing in our youth is vital for our future leaders to prosper, which created a true passion for her. Anisia shows commitment to the community through the office’s constituent services work while at the same time, showing her devotion to our youth by operating Representative West’s READY (Reaching Exposing And Developing Youth) Program. Through this program, she is able to get local students out of their everyday norms and connect them with the beauty and opportunities the greater Rockford region has to offer. Anisia loves to take long nature walks, enjoys cooking and most of all, spending time with her family.

Tamir Bell
Project Specialist
Tamir Bell is a proud Rockfordian and joined Representative West’s district office team in 2023. Tamir has committed himself to community service and has been actively involved in projects to better the
community for numerous years. Tamir fulfills the role of Project Specialist in the district office of State Representative West. His main responsibility involves spearheading and overseeing special projects within the office, aimed at fostering opportunities for all residents across the 67th District. Additionally, Tamir's personal interests extend to coaching, where he channels his passion into empowering the youth to become effective advocates for societal change.